All About Change Summer 2019

                         Psychosocial Rehabilitation Group

The BIG 5    -   Learning Independent Thinking    


“If children do not learn to think for themselves, and the adults in their lives do it for them, as teens they are much more likely to follow peers into choices that can have devastating results.” —Anna Stewart


When it comes right down to it, there are 5 main skills that provide the foundation to be an engaged, compassionate and well-rounded adult. The first one is something that takes some kids a long time, while others seem to be almost born with the ability. Still, it’s a skill everyone needs to master in order to know who they are and where they stand in life. The others are important skills that will help kids be happier and stay out of trouble. This is not always an easy task, so All About Change has developed an evidence based program to help kids begin to develop skills and practice for proficiency in these 5 important areas.

All About Change in excited to offer several therapeutic camps in 2 locations for children and adolescents who struggle that focus on strengths and abilities, rather than what they can’t do. Staff will encourage young people to attain their highest level of independent functioning by increasing independent thinking skills, improving social and communication skills, increasing the ability to make the “BEST CHOICE” in given situations, and increasing their awareness of and involvement in living their best life possible. This year’s focus is on leading kids through the process of developing The BIG 5 foundational skills so they can think for themselves.  This is important to develop a sense of identity, improve self-worth and self-esteem, think more clearly about the consequences of their choices, express themselves appropriately, say “NO” to negative peers, and be better able to negotiate actions that will result in building themselves up rather than getting themselves in hot water. Realizing that everything else in life builds upon the ability for kids to be able to do the following five things is the overarching goals for our Summer Program.

Individual Outcomes for the Summer 2019 Program

1.Learn how to think for yourself.
2.Take responsibility for your actions and choices.
3.Learn how to solve problems and deal with obstacles.
4.Learn how to negotiate conflict.
5.Find a way to make a contribution.

Call Kristian @ 864-509-0774 or email for more information.

All About Change